Our Careers Working Group
To support our in-house careers team and make sure our resources are accurate and relevant, we have the Careers Working Group. The group is behind all of the careers resources available on EUK Education and Neon.
This group has worked together for many years, jointly producing a wide range of engineering and tech careers resources. We also consult more widely with industry to inform these resources.
Creating these resources together is an efficient way to make sure the engineering and technology careers information schools receive is up-to-date, clear and consistent. Some members of the group also produce more detailed resources related to their area of expertise.
Who's in the group?
The group is made up of careers, outreach, education and marketing professionals and is managed by the EUK Education careers team and meets once a month. Each member of the group brings a unique perspective and expert insight to the collaboration.
We're grateful to STEM Learning, UCL Engineering and the Royal Academy of Engineering who all have someone in the group. There's also a teacher from The John Warner School and representatives from Institute of Physics, BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Our careers resources
The resources are designed to be used with young people so they can explore the different job opportunities available in engineering and tech. They are used with young people by teachers, careers leaders and STEM Ambassadors. Posters and postcards include activities and are supported with guides on how to run them in class. There are also booklets and an online quiz.
Many of our resources are available in Welsh. Most are aimed at young people, but we also have a guide for parents and carers (available in English, Welsh, Polish and Romanian).