Our mission is to enable more young people, from all backgrounds, to be informed, inspired and progress into engineering and technology. Our current strategy runs from 2023 to 2028 and outlines the 4 ways we aim to do this.
- Through research and evidence to understand workforce needs and how to inspire the next generation
By working in partnership and leading efforts to improve our collective impact
By running activities for schools to ignite a passion for engineering and technology
Through advocacy, so all students have the STEM careers education they need and deserve

Research and evidence
We will establish the composition of the current engineering and technology workforce, future workforce needs and how to address them. By sharing our evidence, we will help ensure that careers information is accurate and is given in an inclusive and impactful way. We hope it will also mean policy development is better informed, and all engineering and technology engagement activities are inclusive and inspire the next generation.
Our mission
We will continue to analyse the current workforce as well as future workforce needs. We'll also look at STEM education pathways and STEM careers provision and analyse young people’s attitudes to careers in the industry. We evaluate our work and review evidence to understand what works. And we’ll share our evaluation findings and tools. We'll also test how levels of engagement impact the choices young people make.
We will lead efforts to grow the collective impact of all engineering and technology inspiration and careers activities with young people of school age. By working together, we can ensure more students participate in quality engineering and tech experiences. We can also improve the coordination, inclusivity, targeting, efficiency and impact of engagements and create and share relevant, inspiring and accessible careers resources.
What we'll be doing
We will continue to lead The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code to drive collaboration and grow our collective impact. We will provide bespoke STEM engagement support for Professional Engineering Institutions and our Corporate Members.
We will showcase quality engagements to UK schools through the Neon website. We will also curate and share best practice online and through events and create and share inspiring case studies and resources.
Activities for schools
We will expand our own activities to encourage more young people from all backgrounds into engineering, technician and tech roles. Through targeting, testing and iteration, we can increase the reach and impact of our activities for young people. We use our expertise to focus our work on 11 to 14s and we are prioritising content related to sustainability.
What we'll be doing
We’ll be working to reach more young people with our light-touch activities. At the same time, we aim to double the reach of our more intensive activities, focusing on our priority schools. We will continue to run the Big Bang programme, which includes fairs, school activities and a national competition. We aim to have proportionate participation across the UK. And we’re developing and testing new activities linked to future skills needs, especially for sustainability.
We will continue our advocacy and support to address policy and delivery challenges in STEM and careers education and workforce planning for engineering and tech. By advocating for policy improvements, we can help ensure young people get the opportunities they need to go into engineering and tech. In supporting vocational routes, we can grow the number of young people going into engineering and tech careers.
What we'll be doing
We advocate for policy improvements across a range of areas. These include engineering and tech careers provision, vocation routes into engineering, STEM teacher recruitment and strategic governmental workforce planning. We're part of the National Engineering Policy Centre and we’ll continue working on what we can do to advocate for and support vocational routes, particularly T levels.
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