Making a difference
We need more engineering professionals to help businesses struggling to recruit. We’re committed to addressing these needs, especially to improve environmental sustainability and achieve net zero. We know what we want to achieve, but we cannot do it alone.
Securing a diverse future workforce means ensuring every primary school and each relevant department in secondary has a teacher who champions engineering and tech. That all careers professionals need to understand the field. And that all engineering and tech employers, outreach funders and providers are motivated and supported to improve quality and reach.

EngineeringUK continue to help us inspire the next generation of engineers through their annual events, while allowing us to share thoughts on policy challenges in STEM and careers education. Tomorrow’s Engineers Week, run by EngineeringUK, is a key date in the diary for promoting our apprenticeships and graduate roles, and is a vital tool in raising awareness of the value of STEM subjects. The organisation’s research is useful in helping us establish the needs of the future workforce, so we can address them.
— Nerys Thomas, VP Talent Development Inclusion and Change, Leonardo

Building an evidence base
We are data-driven and evidence is important to us. We draw on our extensive programme of research to ensure we understand the current workforce, trends and challenges. We also analyse pathways into engineering to understand how the talent pool needs to grow.
Through consultation, research, evaluation and analysis we have a comprehensive view of engineering and technology skills needs now. We can make projections for the future and surface what works well in inspiring the next gen.
Inspiring young people
We have been designing, delivering and evaluating engineering and tech outreach activities for many years. And, we have supported our supporters, partners and members to develop their engagements for young people. We also work with teachers and careers advisers, so we have great insights into what needs to happen to support these key influencers. And of course, parents have a central role in shaping career decisions. We share what we've learned and use it to reach more young people with STEM careers inspiration.

Fostering industry collaboration
A lot needs to change if we’re really going to move the dial. That requires collaboration and a joined-up approach. Through our members and networks, we are able to facilitate that collaboration so businesses, PEIs, educators and delivery organisations can take action together. By pooling our resources and sharing insights we can improve our engagements, target underrepresented groups, support schools and inspire fresh talent into engineering and tech careers.
Our research shows us there are some fundamental policy and delivery changes that need to happen within education and industry to overcome our skills challenges. We champion teachers and STEM careers education as well as all routes into the sector. STEM teacher recruitment, training and retention has to improve and we need a long-term careers strategy. We believe the government needs to take a more strategic approach to workforce development and create a holistic STEM education and skills plan.

EUK Education
EUK Education brings together everything we do for schools, teachers, careers leaders and young people. From curriculum-linked programmes and engaging resources to motivating case studies and accessible funding, it helps schools access quality STEM careers inspiration for their students.