Helping UK engineering and tech to thrive
A thriving engineering and technology sector can drive economic prosperity, improve sustainability and help the UK achieve net zero. It needs a diverse and skilled workforce now and demand is growing at a faster rate than in any other sector. Engineering and tech lacks diversity and employers report skills shortages.

The challenge
Engineering and tech has a skills problem. It also has an image problem, which it has to overcome to broaden the talent pool. The workforce isn’t representative. While women are the most underrepresented group at just 15.7%, people of colour, disabled people and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds are also underrepresented in the industry.
Young people from these groups don’t see themselves represented in engineering and tech careers. They need relatable role models. Engineering isn’t particularly visible in the curriculum. So young people also need to understand what modern engineering looks like, to see beyond outdated stereotypes and see engineering is for everyone. Parents, teachers and careers advisers also need to think differently about engineering careers given the influence they have on young people’s career choices.
Careers provision is patchy and not all schools (particularly those in the most deprived areas) have subject specialist for each STEM subject on the curriculum. Not all school students are aware of the range of pathways into engineering. And not all employers value technical and vocational qualifications.

Working towards a solution
Through our work and in collaboration with those who share our vision for a thriving engineering and tech sector, we’re looking to address these challenges. Our focus is on encouraging more young people into the workforce, giving this generation the fulfilling and rewarding careers they need while growing the talent pool.
We target our activities for schools where we expect to reach students from underrepresented groups and share our approach for others to use. We include hands-on activities that showcase the real-life application of what students learn in the classroom. And we link that to future careers. Where possible we offer students the chance to speak to, hear from or read about engineering and tech professionals. We hope the diversity of our case studies and volunteers means every young person can see someone they can relate to.
Driving impact and advocacy
We work with those who design, deliver and fund engineering outreach activities to drive up the quality, reach and targeting of those engagements. We evaluate our work and share insights and tools so we can all learn from each other. And we encourage and facilitate collaboration, while also offering strategic support to our Corporate Members.
By advocating for policy and delivery improvements, we can help ensure young people get the information and opportunities they need to go into engineering and tech. In supporting vocational routes, we can grow the number of young people going into engineering and tech careers.

Our work with schools
EUK Education provides everything schools need to inspire young people into STEM careers. Discover our programmes, curriculum-linked lesson plans, role models, resources, and funding for priority schools. Plus everything we offer is free!