Our quick guide to T Levels to help answer your questions
Perhaps T Levels, and how students can help your business, is something you’ve been thinking about. T Level students can be a great way to plug skills gaps in your business and develop tomorrow’s engineers and manufacturers.

What are Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels?
T Levels are technical qualifications for young people aged 16-19, after their GCSEs. They were created in partnership with engineering & manufacturing employers to make sure that the skills being taught across the country are the skills that businesses really need.
What is a T Level industry placement?
A T Level industry placement involves a T Level student working with an employer as part of their qualification.
Organised in partnership with local colleges or schools, placements are flexible and designed around your needs as a business. They are 45 days in total and can be done in one block, spread over two years or shared with another employer.
How can a T Level student help me?
T Level students can get straight to work for you. They arrive with relevant technical skills, and are able to work on meaningful tasks and contribute to your business.
They can be the answer to plugging skills gaps too. Lots of employers end up recruiting their T Level student at the end of their course, either directly into their business or on an accelerated or higher-level apprenticeship.
And you don’t just have to take our word for it. The feedback from employers of all sizes who have taken on T Level students has been overwhelmingly positive.
Are there any workplaces that aren’t suitable for T Level students?
Not really. T Level students are working in engineering and manufacturing businesses around the country. They’ll come to you having already done workshop-based training, and with the right health and safety processes in place, they’ll be able to undertake most tasks.
How do I take on a T Level student?
Visit the T Level website, enter your postcode to find your nearest school or college offering T Levels, and take it from there!