Research and insights

Engineer working on engine

Our research

For over 20 years, our work has included a programme of comprehensive research into   engineering and technology in the UK. We look at the industry and workforce, the talent pool and skills needs and future workforce projections.  We also analyse STEM careers provision in education and survey young people and their influencers, to understand their views of engineering and tech careers.

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Student on laptop in library
A group of secondary school students conduct a science experiment

Industry and workforce

We look at the roles and sectors that make up the industry, plus the people in them. Regularly reviewing key data helps to identify trends, understand how engineering and tech is developing and how representative the workforce is. We regularly assess skills needs and future workforce projections, especially in relation to net zero targets.

Explore industry and workforce


Careers provision

We want all young people to get accurate, up-to-date STEM careers information so they are supported to make informed careers decisions. Our research looks at STEM careers provision in education, looking at current arrangements, regional differences, trends and challenges and make recommendations for change.

Explore careers provision


A teacher shows a group of secondary school students a screen in the school science lab
A group of young people smiling and chatting informally in school


Understanding the effectiveness of outreach activity helps us to develop and refine engagement activities, so they really make a difference. We evaluate our school programmes and review wider evidence to understand what works well in inspiring the next generation. 

Explore evaluation


Young people insights

What do young people think about careers in engineering and tech? Or about STEM in school? Our research tries to understand the attitudes and perceptions of young people and the people who influence them – teachers and parents. We look at trends within different groups, particularly by gender.

Explore young people insights


Students talking to their teacher
A teacher at the front of a class or secondary school students teaching. One student has their hand up

How we conduct research

We conduct our own primary research and analysis. We use different methodologies depending on the type of research and include details of these in our reports. We also do secondary research and secondary analysis from available datasets. We often work in partnership as well as commissioning research.  

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We archive out-of-date reports because we want you to be using the latest research but do get in touch if you’d like to access any of our historical data.

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A group of young people at secondary school smiling and talking

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