Energy Quest is a curriculum-linked workshop for students aged 11 to13, developed by EngineeringUK and funded by Shell. It is designed to help young people learn about the role of sustainable energy and renewable technologies in engineering, and to encourage them to consider engineering careers.
In 2022/23, we conducted a smaller pre-post evaluation to look at changes in key outcomes for students. We analysed matched data for 104 students who took part in Energy Quest content 3 workshops in 5 schools.
Energy Quest evaluation 2022/23
Who this is for
- STEM outreach organisations
- Researchers
- Employers
Key findings
- After the workshop, students were more likely to agree that they know about the types of things engineers do in their jobs, compared to their response beforehand
- The average score for students reporting they know about the different types of things that engineers can do in their jobs increased slightly from 3.3 to 3.7