This report aims to understand perceptions and understanding around engineering, aspirations and intentions to pursue engineering as a career, and how parents and teachers can influence these aspirations. Parents are important influencers of their children, both directly through advice around education and career pathways, and indirectly through the transmission of interests, preferences and values.
Engineering Brand Monitor 2021, parents and students report
Who this is for
- Policymakers
- Researchers
- Teachers
- Careers leads
- STEM outreach organisations
Key findings
- Just over half of parents agreed that they know about the different types of things engineers could do in their jobs (56%)
- 36% of parents said that they and their child regularly do STEM activities together
- Just 39% of parents say they are confident giving their child advice about careers in engineering
- Nearly 9 in 10 young people whose parents said they were confident giving their child advice about careers in engineering said they were interested in a career in engineering, compared to 29% whose parents were not confident