Led by former Labour and Conservative ministers Lord Knight and Lord Willetts, in partnership with EngineeringUK, the inquiry seeks to uncover the reasons behind the worrying decline in engineering, manufacturing and technology apprenticeships starts seen over recent years in the UK.
Despite a modest uptick in numbers last year, engineering-related apprenticeship starts in England are still 9% lower than in 2014/15. What’s more, the uptake varies by subject with a worrying 34% decline for engineering and manufacturing technologies.
We set out to investigate what could be done to reverse the decline in apprenticeship starts over recent years and to achieve sustained growth in engineering, manufacturing and technology apprenticeship, particularly for young people. This document outlines the finding of the report and the recommendations.
Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people
Who this is for
- Professional Engineering Institutions
- Policymakers
- Researchers
- Employers
Key findings
The report sets out a 5-point plan aimed at addressing the barriers and concerns identified by businesses, education providers and young people:
- Rebalance education – ensure that the secondary school system is fit for the future and there is genuine parity of esteem between technical and academic pathways
- Support young people – provide better support for young people throughout their apprenticeship journey and take decisive action to break down barriers
- Refocus funding – ensure long-term funding for apprenticeships at all levels and greater equity between vocational and academic routes
- Enable businesses – enable more SMEs to play an active role in apprenticeships. Work together with employers as well as providers to ensure that engineering and technology apprenticeship standards are given the strategic importance they merit and meet the skills needs of the sector
- Employers taking action – encourage employers to play their part in growing and sustaining apprenticeships for the future and to help widen opportunities for young people