Following on from our Women in Engineering report, this report provides the latest figures for those working in engineering and technology roles. The report looks at the composition of the engineering workforce, including by characteristics including age, gender and ethnicity. We analyse employment by region, industry and occupation and look at the engineering in the context of the broader UK economy.
The engineering and technology workforce - September 2024 update
Who this is for
- PEIs
- Employers
- Policymakers
- Researchers
Key findings
- There are approximately 6.3 million people working in engineering and technology occupations in the UK, representing nearly one fifth (19.2%) of the workforce
- People working across engineering and technology earn more on average than other occupations, at £39,163 gross pay
- The number of women working in engineering and tech has dropped from 16.5% of the 2022 workforce to 15.7% of the 2023 workforce
- Minority ethnic groups are underrepresented in engineering and technology occupations at 12.4%, compared to 16.0% amongst all other occupations
- 18.3% of women working in engineering and technology were from a minority ethnic group compared to only 11.4% of men
- Fewer people working in engineering and technology occupations reported they had a disability consistent with the Equality Act (13.6%) compared to all other occupations combined (18.0%)
- 12.9% of the UK workforce were working in engineering and technology roles in the engineering industry (either employed or self-employed) while a further 6.2% were working in these jobs in other industries