Engineering and technology apprenticeships - England
This dashboard provides an overview of gender differences in take up and attainment in engineering and technology apprenticeships in England. The dropdown menus allow you to select starts or achievements, apprenticeship level (2, 3 or 4+) and year (2014/15 to 2017/18).
Engineering and technology apprenticeships - Northern Ireland
This dashboard provides an overview of gender differences in participation in engineering and technology apprenticeships in Northern Ireland. The dropdown menus allow you to select apprenticeship level (2, 2-3 or 3) and year (2014/5 to 2017/18).
Engineering and technology apprenticeships - Scotland
This dashboard provides an overview of gender differences in participation in engineering and technology Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland. The dropdown menus allow you to select starts or achievements, apprenticeship level (2, 3 or 4+) and year (2014/2015 to 2017/2018).
Engineering and technology apprenticeships - Wales
This dashboard provides an overview of gender differences in engineering and technology apprenticeship starts in Wales. The dropdown menus allow you to select apprenticeship level (2, 3 or 4+) and year (2014/2015 to 2017/2018).
Dashboard links:
- Engineering Insights home
- The economic impact of Covid-19 on UK engineering enterprise
- Gender disparities in educational pathways into engineering — an overview
- STEM secondary education
- Knowledge, perceptions and understanding of engineering
- Engineering and technology in higher education