
For more than 20 years we have published comprehensive reports, briefings and policy documents on the state of engineering in the UK and on key policy issues surrounding science, technology, engineering and maths.

We base everything we do on evidence and we share our analysis and insight widely. Archived below are previous documents with historical data.

EngineeringUK report: The State of Engineering archive
EngineeringUK 2020 report

You can download the EngineeringUK 2020 Educational pathways report here.

The 2020 Excel resource which acompanies the report, can be downloaded here.

EngineeringUK 2018 report

You can download the 2018 report, the Excel resource, the synopsis, and the Annex

EngineeringUK 2017 report
EngineeringUK 2016 report
EngineeringUK 2015 report
EngineeringUK 2014 report
EngineeringUK 2013 report
EngineeringUK 2012 report
EngineeringUK 2011 report
EngineeringUK 2009/10 report
EngineeringUK 2008 report
EngineeringUK 2007 report
EngineeringUK 2006 report
EngineeringUK 2005 report
EngineeringUK 2003/04 report
Gender disparity in engineering 2018

This is a research briefing on female underrepresentation in the industry.

Download the briefing

Social mobility in engineering 2018

This is a research briefing on social mobility in the industry.

Download the briefing

Sep 2015 Cebr - Productivity and lifetime earnings impacts of engineering education and training

This report compares the impact of vocational and graduate engineering education on productivity and lifetime earnings. The report also estimates GVA at sub-sector level. 

Read the report here

Jan 2015 Cebr - The contribution of engineering to the UK economy - the muliplier impacts

We commissioned another report from the Cebr, exploring the job multiplier effect of engineering on the UK economy. 

Read the report here

Engineering Brand Monitor (EBM)

Understanding our impact and supporting continual learning and improvement is essential to ensure we target resources effectively. Our evaluation team works to ensure that what we do is evidence-based.

That work covers 3 different strands:

  • Producing and sharing learning
  • Evidence informed planning and practice
  • Testing and evaluation
EDI Bursaries 2021/22

Our bursary schemes operate through several of our programmes (Robotics Challenge, Big Bang at School and Big Bang Fair) as well as supporting access to Neon activities. We evaluated their impact using a mix of monitoring data, surveys and interviews.

Read the full report here

Robotics Challenge 2021/22

This evaluation drew on surveys with over 400 students and 68 teachers taking part in the Robotics Challenge heats. We explore which students take part in the programme, their experiences and the benefits they feel they gained from the programme.

View the infographic

Download the full report

Energy Quest 2021/22

Energy Quest is part way through a 3-year external evaluation, exploring changes in the impact students perceive across three iterations of the content. Alongside this external evaluation, we conducted a smaller pre-post evaluation to look at changes in key outcomes for students. We look at matched data for 174 students across three schools.

Download the full report

The Big Bang At School 2021/22

We surveyed over 1,100 students and over 50 teachers taking part in a Big Bang at School event. We explore their experiences and perceived benefits of taking part and look at which groups of students felt most engaged with the programme.

View the infographic

Download the full report


The Big Bang Fair 2021/22

We evaluate The Big Bang Fair through surveys gathered at the event. Over 2,300 students and over 300 teachers completed a survey about their experience of The Fair (2022) and the benefits they feel they gained from attending.

View the infographic

Download the full report


The Big Bang Competition 2021/22

We used a combination of surveys and interviews with students and teachers to evaluate The Big Bang Competition. We explored students’ motivations for participating and their experience of the programme.

View the infographic

Download the full report